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Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Proof of any Dragons
by pleaseresearch indoes anybody have any proof of the existence of dragons?.
we read in revelation about satan being the dragon, but aren't dragons mythological creatures?.
Proof of any Dragons
by pleaseresearch indoes anybody have any proof of the existence of dragons?.
we read in revelation about satan being the dragon, but aren't dragons mythological creatures?.
Island Man
I think it is biologically possible for a fire breathing creature to exist. This is how it can work: The creature has a special gland that secretes a highly combustible substance that ignites only when exposed to air in the form of a fine mist. So when the creature gets afraid the glands secrete lots of the substance and the creature exhales it violently in a fine spray that ignites outside the creature's body but does not burn the creature.
Alternatively, it could be two different glands that produce two different substances that ignite when mixed together in air. The creature sprays two jets of the substance that converge at a safe distance outside the creature's body.
The creature uses this as a defense mechanism protect its helpless young. It seems impossible for an animal to be able to breathe fire but I think chemistry makes it possible.
A few questions I need help with please.
by Pallbearer inhowdy folks!.
has that title changed?
if so, what is it now called?
Island Man
1) The presiding overseer position still exists but it has been renamed as "Coordinator of the Body of elders". Most JWs would just say "Coordinator" for short or pronounce the acronym CoBE.
2) I don't think that Watchtower takes too kindly to any suggestions for improvement or correction from rank and file publishers. But if you insist on having yourself put under scrutiny by the elders in your congregation and getting yourself thought of as being prideful, murmuring, presumptuous, spiritually weak, etc, the address to use is the address of the New York headquarters. You can probably find that address on their website in the Contact us section or on the inside cover of a year book.
Animals were created without needing Toilet Paper ... but not Man ... Why???
by RubaDub inmy dog and other pets do their "business" and run away and are happy.. man does not have that luxury.
any thoughts on why animals were created with the "poop and go" capacity while man has to go through more steps?
was this perhaps an additional issue that god added on when adam and eve sinned (such as eve having significant more birth pains)?
Island Man
You make a good point. Creationists expect us to believe that the bull was intelligently designed to keep its ass free of bullshit; but the human mind - not so much. -
genuine english guy seeking jw lady
by english_gentleman inhi, i believe that a lady is put on earth to satisfy the needs of her partner and respect his views in all matters.. i realize some here may consider that old fashioned and not based on sexual equality.. yet a lady and man are not created equal because the lady gives birth and the man must sire many children.
if you are a lady under 30 and keen to meet me, willing to cook and breed, then please message me here.
please do not contact me if you disagree with my views, we can agree to differ.
Island Man
You posted this in the wrong section. Didn't you see a section called Jokes and Humor? -
Why are members of the G.B worshipped?
by The Rebel inan interesting thought, let's take geoffrey jackson.. born: unfortunately.
age: who cares, his going to live for ever.. sex: i believe he has a young wife?
special-qualities:- very good at making speeches ( usually talking bullshit) always wears a tie, has own tailor made suit, and expensive apple watch.
Island Man
I don't like his eyes. He has a crooked / crafty / slimy / villainy look about him.
So if I were to put one role on each GB member:
Geoffrey Jackson = Evil scheming villain
Anthony Morris III = Uptight, Rule-making, FOG using, manipulative cult leader
Samuel Herd = Proud and shameless about being a misogynist and brainwashed.
Stephen Lett = Creepy, Fake-smiling, condescending clown.
David Splane = Obnoxious explainer of kooky doctrine.
Gerrit Loesch = A more subdued version of AM III.
Mark Sanderson = The only remotely likable member of the lot. What is he doing with these losers?
"So you think that you can tell us how to live our lives..." Ever heard of Shelly Segal?
by Island Man inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-h_jnisczw
Island Man
"Be careful on the internet. Stick with what we have authorized and you'll be safe. You wanna go out there, it's at your spiritual risk."
"Be careful on the internet - there are a lot of ugly, disillusioning truths about JWs to be discovered. Practice the information control propaganda techniques that we've fed you by sticking only to positive information about the organization disseminated from JW.org. Just take our word for it that all negative information about JWs are lies, and do not look further into them. Stay within the Watchtower information bubble. If you go poking around and find the real truth, it would be at the risk of losing your delusional bliss born of ignorance and Watchtower misinformation."
Is Revelation a false prophecy; was Luke 21:8 written to discredit it; or is this a massively overlooked bible contradition?
by Island Man inat luke 21:8 jesus is recorded as telling his disciples:.
"look out that you are not deceived; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'i am he', and, 'the due time has approached.
at revelation 1:1-3 we read:.
Island Man
At Luke 21:8 Jesus is recorded as telling his disciples:
"Look out that you are not deceived; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he', and, 'The due time has approached.' Do not go after them."
At Revelation 1:1-3 we read:
"A revelation by Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John, 2 who bore witness to the word God gave, even to all the things he saw. 3 Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written in it; for the appointed time is near."
The koine phrase translated "The due time has approached" is basically the same as the koine phrase translated "the appointed time is near". And revelation is given on the basis of Jesus' name for it is a "a revelation of Jesus Christ" and records Jesus speaking in the first person in many early verses. Also Luke's reference to the use of the phrase "I am he" could be indicative that false prophets will give messages purporting to be the direct speech of Jesus himself, thus using Jesus' authority to command the obedience of their followers. Revelation does this in Revelation 1:17-19
So what's going on here? Did someone very early on after the writing of Revelation, edit or insert Luke 21:8 as a ploy to discredit Revelation? Revelation was, after all, a dubious and much contested book in the early church, and which was almost left out of the cannon. Or what if Luke was written after Revelation by someone who was anti the book of Revelation? Or maybe this is just a coincidence that highlights another stunning, massively overlooked contradiction in the bible that proves it's not inspired.
Whatever the case, can we honestly deny that the book's contents falls within the scope of the warning given at Luke 21:8?
Evolution is a Fact #25 - Deep Time
by cofty inin the 18th century the calculations of archbishop james ussher regarding the age of the earth were still accepted without question.
according to ussher god made the earth at 6pm on the evening of saturday 22nd october 4004 b.c.. this naive certainty was to become a victim of the scottish enlightenment and the brilliant mind of james hutton.
having qualified as a medical doctor in 1749 hutton returned to the family farm in berwickshire not far from where i am typing this now.
Island Man
You should do one on the development of different languages. There are striking parallels between the development of different species and the development of different languages. Incidentally, creationists ascribe both to divine intervention. But the reality of the development of new languages within recent human history - English, Spanish, French, etc - exposes the folly of the Babel story and it also serves as a practical test case or mirror of how evolution works.
For example the segment from 2:30 to 2:50 in the following video, which speaks about the ability to intercommunication among neighboring Romance language dialects is very much reminiscent of the ability to interbreed among neighboring species in phenomenon known as ring species.